28 Centarians and their guests sat down to dine on the 30th May 2008 at Southover. This was a disappointing turnout and I suspect that members who hear about the outstanding speeches and excellent food will wish that they had attended the 2008. I hope that next year will see a return to numbers of diners in the high 40's or even the elusive 50.
Pierre’s catering was, once again, exemplary and I suspect that once again Centarians will have anticipated the late finish. However hard we try to finish at a reasonable time there is always something that conspires against us - and this year was no exception.
Pierre’s catering was, once again, exemplary and I suspect that once again Centarians will have anticipated the late finish. However hard we try to finish at a reasonable time there is always something that conspires against us - and this year was no exception.
The low numbers always puts pressure on costs and this has lead to a loss for the association. Please make every effort to attend next year if only for the sake of the CRA's bank balance
Thanks as always to Mike Crick for his assistance with menu cards, Geoff Owen for the drinks arrangements and to Pierre for the catering.
Photographs from the event can be seen in the slideshow further down this page. Alternatively, visit http://www.c-r-a.org.uk/ and follow the link to "Photographs and Reports from CRA Dinners" to see the 2008 pictures. Also on the 2008 page is a link to the text of Peter Johnson's excellent and thought provoking speech.