Saturday, 31 May 2008

CRA Dinner 2008 - Report

28 Centarians and their guests sat down to dine on the 30th May 2008 at Southover. This was a disappointing turnout and I suspect that members who hear about the outstanding speeches and excellent food will wish that they had attended the 2008. I hope that next year will see a return to numbers of diners in the high 40's or even the elusive 50.

Pierre’s catering was, once again, exemplary and I suspect that once again Centarians will have anticipated the late finish. However hard we try to finish at a reasonable time there is always something that conspires against us - and this year was no exception.

Our speakers this year were Steve Goldsmith, Gary Tucker and Peter Johnson and a number of members were heard to remark that Peter's speech was the best in living memory (and that's a very long time).

The low numbers always puts pressure on costs and this has lead to a loss for the association. Please make every effort to attend next year if only for the sake of the CRA's bank balance

Thanks as always to Mike Crick for his assistance with menu cards, Geoff Owen for the drinks arrangements and to Pierre for the catering.

Photographs from the event can be seen in the slideshow further down this page. Alternatively, visit and follow the link to "Photographs and Reports from CRA Dinners" to see the 2008 pictures. Also on the 2008 page is a link to the text of Peter Johnson's excellent and thought provoking speech.

Saturday, 10 May 2008

Ricochet - The Journal of the CRA

The editor of Ricochet is looking for articles for the next edition to be published shortly.

If you have any news items or have recently been in contact with long lost members, please get in touch as soon as possible. Any articles (with pictures if possible) will be warmly welcomed.

CRA Dinner 2008

This year's dinner will be held on Friday 30th May at Southover. If you have not yet responded to the dinner invitation please do so as soon as possible to help with planning. If you have lost, or did not receive the invitation, you can download another copy from:

As always, the food will be excellent, the speeches illuminating and you will have the chance to catch up with old friends in a convivial atmosphere.

Welcome to the C.R.A. Blog

As many members will be aware, keeping the C.R.A. website up to date is a time consuming task.

Accordingly, this blog will allow your committee to keep you informed of news and events. If you're technically minded, you can even subscribe to receive the postings in an RSS/Atom feed reader such as Google Reader

The CRA Website at will continue to be the official online presence of your association. Reports and photographs from events will be located there as well as membership forms, rules and other documents.

You committee hopes that you will find the CRA Blog a convenient way of keeping up to date with the activities of the Centarian Regimental Association.