Saturday, 13 November 2010

Justin Hereford (CCF 1941 - 1948)

Sadly I have to report the passing of Justin Hereford on 4th November at Frimley Park Hospital. His funeral is to be at 3.30pm on Tuesday 16th Novemberat The Park Crematorium, Guildford Road, Aldershot GU12 4BP.There are to be family flowers only and they have yet to inform us of any charity for anyone wishing to make a donation in his memory.

After school (1941-48) Justin returned and served with the Unit from 1957 until 1969 when he retired following ill-health although we saw him at many CRA gatherings thereafter. Many of you
will recall him as a serving officer with the Unit and for his exploits as "Admiral, The Lord George, of Harwich" following the debacle of the sea-landing exercise at Annual Camp in 195?.

Brian Fuller has been asked to write some notes for The OF Magazine and would therefore appreciate any anecdotes which you have regarding this founder member and first Vice-Chairman of our Association. A full obituary will appear in the next edition of Ricochet.

Sunday, 24 October 2010

2010 AGM - Proposed Rule Change

At this year's AGM, there are two proposed rule changes on the agenda.


In view of the difficulty in finding sufficient members to fill all the allowable places on the Executive Committee it is proposed to amend Rule 5 (a), by adding the words “up to” in italics, to read:-

“The Executive Committee shall consist of the Chairman; the Vice-Chairman; the Honorary Secretary; the Honorary Treasurer; the Honorary Social Secretary; the Honorary Magazine Secretary; the Honorary Membership Secretary and up to six other members”.


Due to changes in Auditing Laws it has been recommended that we should change the requirement to appoint an “Honorary Auditor” at the Annual General Meeting to appointing a “Reporting Accountant”.

This would bring us into line with other sections of the Old Finchleians’ Club.

It is, therefore, proposed that the last line of Rule 7 (a) will read:-

“The Annual General Meeting shall also appoint a Reporting Accountant”.

The full version of the current Rules of the Association can be viewed on our web site at


Saturday, 2 October 2010

Albuhera 2011

Arthur Banham and Brian Fuller will be going to Portugal next May to attend the 200th celebrations of the Battle of Albuhera over the weekend 13-16 May 2011.
If any ex-Middlesex cadet is interested and would like further info please add your name here and your details will be passed to Arthur

Friday, 24 September 2010

The 2010 CRA AGM

The Annual General Meeting of the CRA will be held at Southover on the 18th November at 20:00.

An agenda will be circulated to members in due course.

Saturday, 5 June 2010

CRA Dinner 2010

The 2010 CRA Dinner took place on 4th June at Southover. A more detailed write-up follows shortly. In the meantime, a slideshow of images has been uploaded which can be found in the right hand side-bar

Sunday, 2 May 2010

A Message from the Parents and Friends of Christ's College (PFA)

Dear Centarian,

The following message has been received from the Parents and friends Association of Christ's College. They have asked as to pass it on to CRA members in the hope that they will add their voice (at least digitally) to the cause.

As you may know the PFA has been trying to persuade Barnet Council to provide the school with the extra funding it urgently needs to fix its leaking roof. These leaks which occur throughout the school make many areas completely unusable after heavy rain and cause damage to walls, floors and ceilings. So far the Council have not offered any concrete support and seem to be suggesting that we must wait until the school can be rebuilt - this is at least 3 years away, if it happens at all. We have therefore decided to start a campaign to encourage Barnet to take our concerns seriously. We now have a PFA website which has details of school's problems and an online petition. This is very quick and simple to do. Please have a look at the website and sign up - and pass the link onto friends and family if you can. The more names we get on, the more likely it is that the Council will listen. The website address is:
Thank you.


Friday, 26 February 2010

CRA Dinner 2010

The 2010 CRA dinner will be held at Southover on the 4th June 2010.

Please watch this space for further announcments. The dinner invitation letter wil be sent out in the next week or so and a downloadable version placed on the main CRA website.