At this year's AGM, there are two proposed rule changes on the agenda.
In view of the difficulty in finding sufficient members to fill all the allowable places on the Executive Committee it is proposed to amend Rule 5 (a), by adding the words “up to” in italics, to read:-
“The Executive Committee shall consist of the Chairman; the Vice-Chairman; the Honorary Secretary; the Honorary Treasurer; the Honorary Social Secretary; the Honorary Magazine Secretary; the Honorary Membership Secretary and up to six other members”.
Due to changes in Auditing Laws it has been recommended that we should change the requirement to appoint an “Honorary Auditor” at the Annual General Meeting to appointing a “Reporting Accountant”.
This would bring us into line with other sections of the Old Finchleians’ Club.
It is, therefore, proposed that the last line of Rule 7 (a) will read:-
“The Annual General Meeting shall also appoint a Reporting Accountant”.
The full version of the current Rules of the Association can be viewed on our web site at