Sadly I have to report the passing of Justin Hereford on 4th November at Frimley Park Hospital. His funeral is to be at 3.30pm on Tuesday 16th Novemberat The Park Crematorium, Guildford Road, Aldershot GU12 4BP.There are to be family flowers only and they have yet to inform us of any charity for anyone wishing to make a donation in his memory.
After school (1941-48) Justin returned and served with the Unit from 1957 until 1969 when he retired following ill-health although we saw him at many CRA gatherings thereafter. Many of you
will recall him as a serving officer with the Unit and for his exploits as "Admiral, The Lord George, of Harwich" following the debacle of the sea-landing exercise at Annual Camp in 195?.
Brian Fuller has been asked to write some notes for The OF Magazine and would therefore appreciate any anecdotes which you have regarding this founder member and first Vice-Chairman of our Association. A full obituary will appear in the next edition of Ricochet.