Friday, 6 December 2013

2013 CRA AGM - Minutes now uploaded

The minutes from this years AGM held on Thursday 21st November at Southover are now available on the Download page of the CRA Website.

Keep checking in for further updates and uploads. If you are a Facebook or Twitter user you can also keep up with the latest CRA news via social media.

Twitter (@CRA_Update)
Facebook ( Centarian Regimental Association CRA) 

Saturday, 30 November 2013

New Upload of Documents to the CRA Website

As part of our aim to make as many of the CRA's documents available online (as well as a selection of the Stockdale Trust's archive material) your Chairman, Secretary, Magazine Secretary, Membership Secretary and Webmaster (assisted by the Dinner Secretary) have got together to upload new documents to the CRA Website at

Copies of Ricochet from 2003 and 2005 are now present and you can also find a copy of the Chairman's report to this year's AGM.

All documents are in PDF format - although the Ricochet downloads are quite large.

Sunday, 14 July 2013

Events in Barnet of interest to Centarians

Centarians might like to be aware that the re-dedication of the Middlesex Regiment War Memorial is to take place in the Ridgeway, Mill Hill, on this coming Thursday (18th July). If you already had this event in your diary you should be aware that the parade time has been altered to 2pm 
Secondly, the Princess of Wales's Royal Regiment are to parade through Barnet on Saturday 20th July starting at 11am as part of their "Exercise of the Freedom of the Borough".
The troops and band will leave Queen Elizabeth's Girls School before being inspected in the courtyard of Barnet College, prior to marching to Barnet TA Centre, and hence by coaches to a Reception at Middlesex University.   The troops on parade will form part of the UK's final large contingent in Afghanistan departing for Operation HERRICK 19 in the Autumn.
Both events are open to the public and any members who are available are encouraged to attend.  Arthur Banham, Brian Fuller and Mick Crick will be attending the re-dedication.

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Ricochet 2013

Here is a link to the latest edition of Ricochet.

You can "right click" on the link to save the file directly to your computer or open it in your browser by simply clicking on it.

Sunday, 9 June 2013

CRA Dinner 2013 - Photographs

Here are the images from this year's CRA Dinner held on Friday 7th June 2013.  As always, if you'd like a full resolution "original" image (around 6Mb each) please email me.

A full dinner report will follow.


Saturday, 8 June 2013

Gary Tucker's retirement party

As you may know, Gary Tucker the Headteacher at Christ's College is retiring at the end of this school year. The CRA has been asked to extend the invitation below to all members. Please RSVP directly to the email address on the invitation if you can make it.


Sunday, 19 May 2013

The Unit's Queens Colour - featured in the Daily Mail

Congratulations to eagle -eyed Centarian Bill Hintze who saw this in yesterday's Daily Mail (18th May 2013)

Hi, Everyone,
I just was catching up on reading yesterday’s Daily Mail and was looking through the Queen’s Coronation Special magazine with the paper and as I got to Page 7 there was a photo of loads of people, as it said in the caption, “painstakingly hand-painting official flags and banners”.  Well, in the foreground there was the Unit’s very own Queen’s Colour part-way through completion; clearly seen in the centre decal is “Christ’s College CCF” surrounded by “Duke of Cambridge Own Middlesex Regt”.

I really couldn’t believe what I was seeing.   What a coincidence the Colour was photographed along with all the other Coronation flags etc.  I think it was taken at Edgington’s flag factory at Sidcup, Kent.


Saturday, 9 March 2013

The 2013 CRA Dinner


This year's CRA Dinner will be held at Southover on 7th June.

Invitation letters will be sent in the post towards the end of March but it will aid planning (and cost!) if members respond to the email invitation sent on the 9th March.

For convenience, the invitation letter can also be downloaded directly from the CRA website or via the link below.

This year, following extensive discussion, we are extending the invitation to the wives and partners of Centarians and we hope that this will encourage greater attendance levels. We will also be reducing the number (and length) of speeches in order for the social nature of the evening to come to the fore.

If you haven't attended a CRA dinner for a while, this may well be a good year to return.


Friday, 8 March 2013

Ricochet 2013

Dear Members
We are intending to produce the next edition of our Association magazine "Ricochet" in time for the annual dinner on 7th June.
I'm sure you know that any magazine is only as good as its content and that club and association magazines such as ours rely largely on its membership for content.
So I'm writing today to ask you to put pen to paper (or these days fingers to keyboard). 
We would like to hear from you if you have any news that might go in "Notes and Jottings" or maybe a longer article that will stand on its own.  This might be recollections of your time in the cadets or during any form of military service or a more recent trip or visit with a military or similar theme or any other subject which you think might be of interest.
Photographs, drawings and cartoons are always welcome. 
We can receive material by email or post and can copy any original photos or negatives, etc which will then be posted back to you.
We would like to receive any material by Easter but our very last deadline would be the first week in May.
Please do not ignore this request and simply delete this email in the assumption that "someone else will produce something".  Remember if we don't get any articles we won't be able to produce our magazine.  Its up to you - our members.
Thanks in anticipation.
Look forward to seeing lots of you at  our dinner on 7th June,
Mick Crick
(Chairman & Magazine Secretary)